Thursday, September 17, 2009

Embryo Transfer Today

Thanks to these, I made these...

My only two embryos that made it. Dividing for three days here.

These are the two embryos that were put in me today. They have been dividing for three days.

What a day. Today was my embryo transfer. I never thought I would be saying that. I never thought I would need IVF to have another child but it has come to that. I am grateful to be living in a world where I have a chance through IVF to have another child. When I was told by doctors that I needed to do IVF, I was initially sad. But sitting here tonight, with two embryos in me, I am full of hope. It has been an emotional week. On monday, I had 10 eggs extracted from me (less than they had expected). The doctor called the next day to say only 5 fertilized. Then the next day, they called to say one hadn't made it the night before. Then, once again, they called the next day, which was yesterday to say two more embryos didn't make it. But, the last two looked good and were dividing nicely. The last 48 hours felt painful. Wondering if my last two embryos were going to make it for the scheduled transfer time. But they did. This morning the doctor called to say the last two looked great! The transfer went really well. We watched the whole thing on a TV on the wall as it was happening. When it was over the doctors gave us a picture of the embryos that I can't stop staring at. It really was an amazing day, hard to find words to describe it. I am trying not to be too hopeful but it's hard not to be. We are so excited at the possibility of another child.

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