Sunday, June 14, 2009

All My Eggs In One Basket

Thursday, Devaughn and I attended our mandatory IVF meeting. It felt like my first day in Intro to Spanish class back in high school. It was just like a foreign language. We sat in the back row. It was interesting to watch all types of couples sit through this 3 hour lecture. We were just one of the fifty other couples waiting to hear the good news: IVF will work for you and you will have a child at the end of this process. That news never came. Instead, Dr. Greene, one of the 5 doctors at the fertility clinic, showed slide after slide of percentages and statistics of the real chance of having a child. At each new bar graph, couples were scanning the x and y coordinates as fast as they could to see if they had the best chance of conceiving. Relief washed over the younger women as age is a large contributor in the success rate. Dr. Greene spoke for two hours. It was fascinating. The entire process is a miracle. Each step mandatory for the next to work. Who thought of this, seriously? After he explained the process of taking the drugs, I felt anxious, a little scared and nervous. I hope I don't go crazy. I really hope I can keep it together. There is no way to predict my reaction to the boatload of drugs I will be taking to prepare my body. Every woman is different. I sort of felt discouraged through his lecture. I didn't realize all the risks and complications than can occur. I guess I've just heard of all the stories of women having twins or triplets from IVF and thought it may be more straight forward and safe than it really is. And then, Dr Greene ended. The next person to speak was a financial advisor there to explain how to prepare financially for IVF. The first thing he said was him and his wife had healthy twins 8 days ago because of Dr. Greene. I felt hopeful.

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