Eight months of life with my two amazing babies. Oh, how I love them.
Some days are harder than others. Most nights I fall into bed with my clothes still on and my teeth unbrushed. But, my life is so much fuller and they are the reason.
21.1 pounds and 29.5 inches long (95th percentile for both)
2 big white beautiful teeth
Flipping over from front-to-back, back-to-front like a crazy man
Reaching for toys
Pulling my hair always!
Snores sometimes and it cracks me up
Loves hanging out on his tummy
LOVES his bottle but eats anything also
Just started wearing 12-18 months
Has his first freckle on his back
Can pick up his little puff treats and loves to eat them
Light sleeper, always rolling around, driving me crazy
Always yelling at me, such a crazy baby
20.9 pounds and 29 inches long (95th percentile for both)
No teeth yet
Has the wildest tongue and it constantly playing with it
Hair like you have never seen on a baby
Still has big blue-gray eyes
Loves to hang out on her back and hold her feet
Babble Babble Babble
Sometimes gives "huggies"
Has been in 12-18 months for a while
Great sleeper, hardly moves, sleeps with her arms over her hear and always has
The most perfect baby, always smiling and wondering why her twin is yelling
Lucky me.
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